Thursday, November 29, 2007


Applying textures to photographs seems to be a current trend in photography. I’m not sure how much I like it, but it has been interesting to play around with. Here is a shot from last summer that I applied several textures to. If this interests you at all, check out Jesh Rox ( He certainly has a unique style when it comes to this look.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Sams Valley

I went out to Sams Valley this last Friday to explore the area. It was a nice quiet afternoon (I guess everyone else was doing the normal “Black Friday” thing). Here are a few shots from the trip:

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Benjamin was actually excited to have his picture taken last night. Dad always jumps at a photo opportunity! Here are a few shots from the evening. He is growing up so fast.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jeff Nicholson in Concert!

Here are some photos of Jeff Nicholson’s concert at Mountain Christian Fellowship. It was absolutely amazing. Keep your eyes out for another concert; he is definitely worth checking out.