Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Hat

Leslie’s friend Karissa was kind enough to give us a box full of girls clothing for Keziah. Leslie keeps talking about how beautiful the outfits are – what a wonderful gift. As she was going through the box she came across this hat. Although she loves it, I’m not sure Keziah is all that fond of her new headwear. What do you think?

Birth Announcement

We took this photo of Keziah yesterday for the birth announcement.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June Photos

A few photos from June. The kids are really enjoying their summer!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

T-Ball is Over

Well, the season has come to an end. Benjamin really enjoyed playing and is already missing the games. A big thank you to Jeremy Knight. Jeremy is not only a fantastic coach, but an amazing teacher and incredible guitar builder as well. He made the season fun and definitely had a positive impact on Benjamin.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Keziah Taylor

Amazing Eyes

Strong Hands

Little Feet

Friday, June 20, 2008

Welcome Keziah!

Keziah was born yesterday around 1:00AM. What an amazing little girl. This photo was taken about an hour after her birth. Benjamin and Abigail are very excited to have a little sister. Keziah is truly an incredible blessing.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Grants Pass Pharmacy

My kids LOVE going to the Grants Pass Pharmacy. The ice cream sundaes are awesome! You can also get an old time phosphate for only 25 cents! It’s a really nice way to enjoy a weekend afternoon.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Feed the Birds

One of the first things we did on summer break was head down to the park to feed the birds. Riverside Park was a little slow (the birds were full from all the kids that morning), so we went over to Reinhart Volunteer Park where we had a great time. Apparently those birds don’t get fed as much. We took care of that ;-)


Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer is Here!

GPHS sent students off into summer with a BBQ and concert. To see more photos check this link. A few shots of the band:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

RCC Rock Climbing

Benjamin and Abigail were able to try some climbing on the rock wall at RCC. They loved it!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sunny Days!

Abby out enjoying the sunshine.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Balloon Fest 2008

Abby and Benjamin getting ready for a balloon ride.