Sunday, April 11, 2010

Table Rock - Flowers Abound

Abigail and I joined one of the BLM and Nature Conservancy Interpretive Hikes yesterday. It was called “Wildflowers Abound.” The hike was led by Barbara Mumblo, Botanist with the U.S. Forest Service, Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District and member of the Native Plant Society of Oregon. Barbara has an incredible amount of knowledge that she loves to share. We hiked the Lower Table Rock and were able to see some of the most beautiful flowers - it was a perfect day and we enjoyed it very much. One of the highlights for me was seeing the Dwarf Wooly Meadowfoam. This little flower grows nowhere else on earth! If you want to see it with your own eyes you have to hike the Upper or Lower Table Rocks. Thanks Barbara for the wonderful hike! Also, check out BLM’s website for more upcoming hikes. The one on Nature Photography on the 18th of April looks especially good! Here are a few of the wildflowers we enjoyed: